Telegram is vital to hacktivist groups and their operations. They would have limited platforms to operate on without Telegram, they try X but are often shut-down and they would likely get drowned out if they tried to operate on underground forums.
On 26 August, 2024, Pavel Durov the CEO of Telegram was arrested by French authorities, with Durov likely being held until later this week. The French government reported that the arrest was made in connection to an investigation from July and centers largely around the activity that takes place on Telegram.
Telegram has over 1 billion users and like several large engagement social media platforms has pockets of malicious and illegal activity.
One of those pockets is the hacktivist community, which includes well over 600 hacktivists groups who at various times use Telegram to amplify their message.
Is Telegram Really Encrypted?
I am not going to pretend to know the ins and outs of Telegram and its encryption but instead suggest you read this Blog from Matthew Green.
Hacktivists and Telegram
Hacktivists provide cyber analysts and the cyber security community a litmus test when events such as this arrest take place. Due to their oversharing and overt declarations they can represent how the broaden cyber threat landscape views an event. This has be evidenced here with a mix of outrage, panic and overall concern.
Hacktivist Response to the Arrest
You might rightly assume that the arrest of the Telegram CEO would cause outrage for many users of Telegram, in the case of hacktivist groups you would be largely right. Mostly the groups that have commented on the situation have been full of support for Durov and have launched attacks under the #Freedurov campaign.
However, at least one group has been pleased with the result and this type of response showcases the nuanced and dynamic nature of the hacktivist landscape and in particular pro-Russian hacktivists.
Mr Raty Celebrates the Arrest
When the news first broke many hacktivists groups threw their support behind Durov as an advocate for free-speech and also a Russian businessman. However, at least one pro-Russian hacktivist group celebrated the arrest, Mr Raty.
Mr Raty is Chappaev, who was the former leader of Anonymous Russia. That was before they left the group in late 2022. Mr Raty returned in recent months to conduct a doxing campaign against the leader of the Cyber Army or Russia Reborn and other pro-Russian hacktivist groups.
They posted in celebration of the Durov Arrest.
It is a good reminder that the hacktivist landscape is diverse and not all pro-Russian hacktivists are united.
When the news broke of the arrest of Telegram CEO, Pavel Durov there was almost instant response by a range of hacktivist groups and those numbers have grown since then. There is a mix of pro-Russian and pro-Palestine hacktivist groups who have now either posted the #freedurov hashtag, or have conducted attacks to support the Telegram CEO.
As expected, all attacks are focused on France as they were the government who arrested Durov, who holds French citizenship.
The following are the pro-Russian groups involved in the campaign, I will not provide additional details on each but if you would like more information then just reach out.
Pro-Russian Hacktivists Supporting #FreeDurov
Cyber Army Russia Reborn (CARR)
This group had additional attacks that I have not included.
Usersec - This also includes the Usersec Collective.
Group targeted a French app in support of the #FreeDurov campaign.
Gravenet - Botnet
Vulcansec (formally NetForceZ)
Hacker Council Global
The following are the pro-Palestine groups involved in the campaign, I will not provide additional details on each but if you would like more information then just reach out.
Pro-Palestine Hacktivists Supporting #FreeDurov
This group also had other attacks, did not include due to length of report.
Stucx Team
Sylhet Gang-SG
Evil of Anti DDoS
Other Groups engaged with the #FreeDurov campaigns.
French Hackers Squad
Ton Society
Hacktivist groups will continue to be motivated by geopolitical events and those events that directly impact them. This arrest feels personal for many of them as they are driven to fight for what they see as an attack on their freedom of speech, but also on their ability to operate. It is likely that groups will continue to target France even if Durov is released.
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